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Wholesale Prices (800) 520-8479
Replacing Your Faulty Salt Cell ?
  Call on USA's LARGEST and most trusted salt cell supplier

Leading The Way In High Performance, Cost Effective Salt Chlorine Generating Cells


Wholesale Trade prices to the general Public.







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Aqua Rite Salt Cells
Aqualine Salt Cells
Aquapower Salt Cells
Astral / Jacuzzi Salt Cells
Astral Viron / Equilibrium Salt Cells
Atlantis Salt cells
CircuPool Salt Cells
Clearwater Salt Cells
Clevachlor Salt Cells
CompuPool Salt Cells
DuoClear Salt Cells
Ecomatic / Chloromatic Salt Cells
Enduro Salt Cells
Electrochlor Salt Cells
Goldline Salt Cells
Hayward Salt Cells
Jacuzzi Salt Cells
Mineral Springs Salt Cells
Nature 2 Salt Cells
Nature Clear Salt Cells
Poolrite Salt Cells
QuikChlor Salt Cells
Surechlor Salt Cells
Swim Pure Salt Cells
Waterco Salt Cells
Zodiac Salt Cells
Spare Parts

Order online 24/7 by clicking on the cell listed above

We have been instrumental in the development and progression of the salt chlorine generator industry in the USA and aboard.   With extensive knowledge and heavy investments in Research & Development, we are one of the leading companies in the swimming pool chlorination space.   Our key area of expertise is best in class replacement salt electrodes and affiliated spare parts.


All of our product range has been carefully designed to guarantee the comfort and security of swimmers. Maintaining the quality of pool and spa water is our priority and we stringently test our products to ensure they are easy to install, require minimum maintenance, and provide long term pool and spa care.


The US market is being flooded with cheap salt cells from CHINA and most suppliers and distributors are supplying these cells to pool shops and the general public.

Issues relating to these cells and our drive to offer good, reliable products have resulted in us no longer supplying any imported parts from China.

Our commitment to you is we will only supply replacement cells manufactured in Australia or US  using commercial grade titanium plate from USA which has consistently produced the best material in the last 25 years. These cells have 15,000hr expected life where as the downside of cheap cells is a much shorter 5,000hr lifespan.